MACBA is the MUSEO DE ARTE CONTEMPORÁNEO BUENOS AIRES, a new museum project that opened on the 1st September 2012 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The focus of the museum is on Geometric Abstraction (a parent of the Op Art movement – so Op Art could loosely be said to be a sub-set of Geometric Abstraction), with the inaugural exhibition titled “A GLOBAL EXCHANGE. GEOMETRIC ABSTRACTION SINCE 1950”.
The museum houses a permanent collection that includes works by Victor Vasarely, Richard Anuszkiewicz, Kenneth Noland as well as many other key Op Artists.

Running from now until the 23th November 2012 is a travelling exhibition held at Centro Cultural Del Bicentario, Santiago Del Estero entitled “Geometrics Today, Expanding Roads” which looks at recent Argentinian Geometric Abstraction (1990s onwards). To find out more about what’s on display and the current travelling exhibitions, please see here.

From the MACBA website:
“MACBA was born from the passion for art and philanthropy of Aldo Rubino who started his collection in the late ’80s. Over time, the concrete idea of founding a museum to house the growing body of works appeared. Supported by a special interest in geometric abstraction, their occurrences and contemporary art, but without limiting only to these searches, MACBA gathered an important heritage that includes works from the mid-twentieth century to the present. Its collection continues to increase every day with the addition of works by artists who are already part of contemporary art history and others that the museum supports in their growth. “
MACBA is open from Wednesday to Monday and holidays from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. It is closed on Tuesday.
Adults: $20 (except Wednesday $10). Students, teachers and seniors (over 65 years old) with accreditation: $10. Under 12 years old: no charge.
Thanks so much to Tony for passing on this information.