Huda Al-Ruwais

Huda was the original inspiration for the Op Art Gallery.  She contacted me in early 2009 asking if it was possible to display some of her work and some of her student’s work on the site.  I agreed and Huda sent over the beautiful pictures you can currently see.

Untitled 1
Huda Al-Ruwais
Untitled 1 Huda Al-Ruwais 2009
Untitled 2
Huda Al-Ruwais
Untitled 2 Huda Al-Ruwais 2009
Untitled 3
Huda Al-Ruwais
Untitled 3 Huda Al-Ruwais 2009

I’ve since lost touch with Huda and have very little information about her (Huda if you read this please contact me) so don’t have much to post up sadly other than that she lives in Saudi Arabia, teaches art in a university or school, loves Op and digital art and creates wonderful art herself.  Huda has a Flickr stream here where you can see some of her art.

Huda Al-Ruwais
Untitled Huda Al-Ruwais 2009
Untitled 4
Huda Al-Ruwais
Untitled 4 Huda Al-Ruwais 2009
Huda Al-Ruwais by

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