I am, we are

The person behind “I am, we are” – the latest artist to feature in the Op Art Gallery – is a 27 year old self-taught art director from San Juan, Puerto Rico.

And It Bends
I am, we are
And It Bends I am, we are 2012 Digital
And it Joins
I am, we are
And it Joins I am, we are 2011 Digital
And it Morphs
I am, we are
And it Morphs I am, we are 2012 Digital

How do you create your work?

My process is purely based on a concept idea, experimentation and evolution.  A rough draft may end up as a completely different thing.  I only use Adobe Illustrator to develop my design pieces since it gives me the freedom to print my designs in a vast array of formats and sizes, while still retaining line fidelity.  I am self taught, and extremely critical about my process.  I constantly find myself looking for new ways to evolve my technique.  The infinite limitations of geometry…

Where do you get your inspiration from?

My main source of inspiration, and motivation would be the unknown.  My inner eye develops with time, experience, and most of all effort.  I am driven by the evolution of my work, and that of the collective’s.  This in turn motivates me to spend countless hours behind the screen.  Nature will always push my imagination, making the finite infinite.

And it Spins
I am, we are
And it Spins I am, we are 2011 Digital
And it Breathes
I am, we are
And it Breathes I am, we are 2011 Digital
And it Bevels
I am, we are
And it Bevels I am, we are 2011 Digital

Why Op Art?

I love op art and kinetic art because it engages the viewer not only visually, but spiritually as well.  It has no flag, no religion and it chooses no side – much like nature.  Depending on the individual, each piece acquires its own meaning.

Any other art that you particularly like?

Basically many variations of geometric art: classical structures, knots, fractals, Kinetic art, Bauhaus, tessellations, patterns and surfaces…

Outside of creating your art..?

If I am not working on a new design, I create murals with the help of my girlfriend; I am also making a huge collection of wall poster prints to paste around the city I live in. Also I am an information freak, I will eat up any documentary or pdf book I can find.

And it Deconstructs
I am, we are
And it Deconstructs I am, we are 2011 Digital
And it Ranges
I am, we are
And it Ranges I am, we are 2011 Digital
And it Loves Geometry
I am, we are
And it Loves Geometry I am, we are 2012 Digital

You can see more of I am, we are and keep up to date on his new pieces on his flickr stream.  If you’re wondering where inspiration for the titles to the pieces came from, my guess would be here.

I am, we are by

3 thoughts on “I am, we are

  • March 9, 2012 at 2:11 pm

    Hi, From completely different starting points and motivations, we seem to be exploring similar territories. Regards, Robin.

  • December 20, 2012 at 6:57 pm

    Hi, I very much like your art and what you say about it, especially “And it spins.” Would you allow me to use “And it spins” as an image to go with a post on a blog I keep for writers? (The blog isn’t commercial–it’s strictly a personal undertaking aimed at a few other people who do the same kind of writing I do.)

    I’ve never visited Op-Art.co.uk and plan to explore it further.

  • Pingback: Revolution Exhibtion – ACKA

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