Terry Healy

The latest additions to the Op Art Gallery are the work of 71 year old Op Artist Terry Healy.

“I have always been interested in art and started drawing at a very early age but it was not until the late 1960’s that I really started to paint in Oils.   I was always interested in geometry and when I first saw the paintings of Victor Vasarely and Bridget Riley everything clicked into place and I started experimenting with my own ideas.

Terry Healy
36 x 36 (inches)
XRoads Terry Healy 36 x 36 (inches)
Bring me sunshine
Terry Healy
36 x 36 (inches)
Bring me sunshine Terry Healy 36 x 36 (inches)
Blue Moon
Terry Healy
Gouache 16x18 (inches)
Blue Moon Terry Healy Gouache 16×18 (inches)

It took sometime before my own ideas really took hold and putting them into practice was yet another learning curve namely with light, shade, perspective and colour and I am constantly learning new ways to express what I have learned over the years into my new work.   Now that modern computers give us such a rich colour palette this extends not only the ideas but colour too and one can achieve these ideas very quickly and my new works ‘Xroads’ and ‘Kinetica 34’ expresses these graphically.   Complex variations are quickly achieved which otherwise would take days to draw and colour  are almost infinite in there variations.   The programme I use is Photoshop and I have yet to find another one that enables me to achieve my ideas.   I have also been involved in Graphic design for many years designing anything from Album/CD covers to leaflets and again with modern computers ideas and variation are endless and quickly produced.

Kinetica 34
Terry Healy
Kinetica 34 Terry Healy Digital
Terry Healy
36x36 (inches)
Oassis Terry Healy 36×36 (inches)
Sometimes it's best to dream
Terry Healy
38x38 (inches)
Sometimes it’s best to dream Terry Healy 38×38 (inches)

I have no formal training even though I wanted to go to Art College but other commitments denied me that opportunity.”

All images copyright Terry Healy.


Bradford University

Leeds Grammar School

Stanley Burton

Simcron Architects, Cleckheaton.


Leeds Art Gallery ( Art Group) 1971/1976

Yorkshire Artists Exhibition 1971

One Man Show – Swarthmore Educational Centre 1972

West Riding Exhibition, Wakefield 1973

Sheffield Open Art Exhibition 1974

Bradford University 1976

Aside from his love of Op Art, Terry is a huge music fan, with tastes ranging from ambient through to blues, rock, Delta Blues, Trance, and 1940’s.  Terry has his own small recording studio as he used to mix for local bands.  Another great thing about Terry is that he has a pub in his basement overlooking the garden with a jukebox and sound system.  Excellent!

Le Healy Pub 2010
Terry Healy by

4 thoughts on “Terry Healy

  • December 5, 2011 at 9:40 pm

    Hi Tez,
    Thanks for the link, it was fun seeing some of your great work as well as the Healy Arms Pub. My oldest son is a metal artist and his website is http://www.johnhaleyiii.com.
    He also keeps a small shop in Brittany and usually gets over there a couple of times a year.
    I hope your holidays a great ones.

  • December 5, 2011 at 11:03 pm

    I never tire of Terry Healy’s work. The more you look, the more you see, they are never boring.

  • December 6, 2011 at 10:46 am

    Love the art and love the pub!

  • December 9, 2011 at 5:53 pm

    high tes,hope all well at home .
    it makes me proud to be able to say i knew that lad at school.
    love your art it, makes me wonder where all your talent has come from knowing our back ground.
    derek and pat see you in april.xxx


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