With this update, we are doing something a bit different and featuring some of the works of a younger generation than normal – the potential Op Artists of the future. Working with glue, paper strips and computer art software the children of Maryland Primary School have come up with these 4 excellent pieces bases on the ‘middle period’ (1980s) works of Bridget Riley. For examples of Bridget Riley’s work from this period see Achean and ‘Big Blue’ here.

All our ‘Junior Op Artists’ featured are from a Reception class, so are aged 4. Deputy Head Lorraine says “Bridget Riley’s work is wonderful for children that age to use, as they get to develop so many of their motor skills working with the paper strips.” I’d also add that it gives them great insight into the interactions of colour and shape. Thanks so much to Dale, Lorraine and the pupils of Maryland Primary school for making this happen.