Zilinskas Art Gallery Photo by Vulok Vulovak

This beautiful photo of the back of the Zilinskas Art Gallery building in Kaunas city, Lithuania was taken by Vulok Vulovak in late October 2012.

Zilinskas Art Gallery by Vulok Vulovak

Zilinskas Art Gallery by Vulok Vulovak

The light and architecture work together perfectly to create a ‘natural’ Op Art effect with repeating bands of black and white curving smoothly away into the distance.  This photo is completely ‘raw’ in that no editing of any kind (e.g. photoshop) has been done to it.  Thanks to Vulok for sending it in.  You can see more of Vulok’s work on his website.

Zilinskas Art Gallery Photo by Vulok Vulovak by

One thought on “Zilinskas Art Gallery Photo by Vulok Vulovak

  • December 11, 2012 at 11:05 am

    looks like black and white photography, but it is not. 🙂


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