Francis Celentano @ David Richard Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico – Post-Op: ‘The Responsive Eye’ Fifty Years After

An important Op Art retrospective is currently taking place at the David Richard Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico.


Post-Op: ‘The Responsive Eye’ Fifty Years After” features some of the key Op Artists who exhibited in the original 1965 Responsive Eye exhibition at MoMA including:

Francis Celentano
Richard Anuszkiewicz
Hannes Beckmann
Karl Benjamin
Ernst Benkert
Thomas Downing
Lorser Feitelson
John Goodyear
Francis Hewitt
Leroy Lamis
Mon Levinson
Alexander Liberman
Ed Mieczkowski
Oli Sihvonen
Julian Stanczak
Peter Stroud

There are 34 pieces on display from 34 artists. It is the first in a series of exhibitions commemorating the 50th anniversary of the original Responsive Eye exhibition and will take a closer look at the works of those key artists both during the peak Op Art time (mid to late 1960s) and later in their careers.


The exhibition runs from February 27th to April 12, 2015.

David Richard Gallery
Railyard Arts District
544 South Guadalupe Street, Santa Fe, NM 87501

Francis Celentano @ David Richard Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico - Post-Op: 'The Responsive Eye' Fifty Years After by

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